Nollywood Top Actress,Genevieve Nnaji has landed a 12 month multi-million naira deal with Range Rover. The single mother of one has been appointed by Coscharis Motors as the brand ambassador of Range Rover cars in Nigeria.
The company, Coscharis, is Range Rover’s official dealer in Nigeria. As part of the deal Genevieve will be given a Range Rover Sports SUV, one of the most wanted cars by celebrities, and also $100,000 in the first six months of the deal. understands that the lucrative deal was dangling between Genevieve and fellow Nigerian actor Desmond Elliot. In the end the company felt Genevieve was a bigger global brand than Elliot.
The company, Coscharis, is Range Rover’s official dealer in Nigeria. As part of the deal Genevieve will be given a Range Rover Sports SUV, one of the most wanted cars by celebrities, and also $100,000 in the first six months of the deal. understands that the lucrative deal was dangling between Genevieve and fellow Nigerian actor Desmond Elliot. In the end the company felt Genevieve was a bigger global brand than Elliot.
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